The Neolithic Revolution was a major turning point in human history. It marked the transition from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a more settled agriculture-based lifestyle. This revolution began around 10,000 BC and had a profound impact on human societies, leading to the rise of permanent settlements, the domestication of animals and plants, the rise of craft specialization, and the development of early technologies.
The Neolithic Revolution was a significant shift in the way people lived. Before the Neolithic Revolution, humans lived as nomadic hunter-gatherers, relying on wild plants and animals for their subsistence. With the advent of the Neolithic Revolution, humans began to domesticate plants and animals, allowing them to form permanent settlements and develop new technologies. This shift in the way humans lived led to the development of new tools, the development of trade networks, and the spread of new ideas and beliefs. Additionally, the domestication of animals allowed humans to use them for labor, transport, and food. Finally, the development of early technologies and crafts, such as pottery and weaving, helped spur further growth in human societies.